About Us

At RBK Accountants we share your honest hard-working values.

Whether you are an established business, thinking of starting up a company or have a requirement to prepare and submit a self-assessment tax return each year, you will want a pro-active firm of Accountants and Tax-Advisors working alongside you.

If you are looking for a personable service with excellent value for money then RBK Accountants are the right fit for you.

To find out how we can help you, please contact us to arrange your free no obligation consultation.

We very much look forward to hearing from you.

Richard Kessel

Richard Kessel – Director – FCCA

Hi, I'm Richard the company director. I started RBK Accountants during the summer of 2017 purely from the satisfaction gained from helping clients improve their business. The early and continuing success of the practice is most likely to attributed to that I identify as an accountant and not as a salesman. There’s no hard sell or sugar coating and the approach is simple, ‘what is best for you’. I want to help you improve your business to save time and money - including our fees!

Outside of the workplace I love nothing more than to relax with friends and family. I play darts for a local pub and enjoy league nights. For my sins, during the weekends I love to watch my beloved football team win/lose or draw either home or away.

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RBK Accountants Limited, Lymedale Business Centre, Hooters Hall Road, Newcastle Under Lyme, Staffordshire ST5 9QF

Contact us today!

01782 479646

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Registered company name RBK Accountants Limited.Registered company No.10903923

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